Past Events

  • Kick-off meeting of the State Research Program project 'Biomedical and Photonics Research Platform for the Development of Innovative Products'

    On January 29, 2025, Dr. Anna Stikane participated in the Kick-off meeting of the State Research Program project 'Biomedical and Photonics Research Platform for the Development of Innovative Products' (BioPhoT). The aim of this program is to develop new technologies and/or innovative ideas by promoting the collaboration among the biomedical, medical technology, pharmaceutical, photonics, smart materials, electronics, electrical engineering, technology, and engineering systems sectors in Latvia and abroad. More than 12 MEUR will be available within the program by the end of November 2026 for the implementation of research and innovation projects.

    During the meeting, research directions of the Natural Products Reserach (NPR) group were demonstrated to promote the visibility of the NPR group as a potential collaboration partner within the BioPhoT project.

  • Roundtable discussion 'Life Science of Tomorrow'

    On December 13, 2024, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) hosted a roundtable discussion 'Life Science of Tomorrow' about collaboration between science and business people. The event was organized by LIOS Innovation Hub in collaboration with project 'Developing the Action Plan to Foster Baltic Region Innovation Ecosystem in Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology' (BIOCONNECT) and BeLoud – pan-Baltic community of student- and startup-minded people. 

    The event provided an opportunity to discuss with like-minded people having business background the real-world impact of research advances in science and biotechnology and how to collaborate to deliver together the 'life science of tomorrow'. The discussion topics focused on how scientists and business leaders can collaborate effectively, what would business people find fascinating in research, what role AI plays in accelerating drug discovery, and what food and medicine will look like in 2050.

    The event underscored the importance of bridging science and business, inspiring new ideas and partnerships to shape a sustainable and innovative future in life sciences.

  • 4th Annual Conference of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

    On November 26–27, 2024, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) held its 4th internal conference to showcase the research of its scientists while fostering collaborative discussions. As Latvia’s two leading scientific institutions, LIOS and the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, move towards their planned merger in 2026, this year’s event once again included representatives from both organisations.

    This year, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan provided valuable insights into natural product chemistry through his presentation 'Cyclophane-containing natural products biosynthesis'.

  • Annual meeting of project Natalion

    On October 31, 2024, project Natalion held its first annual meeting, which gathered the representatives from Project Management Board (PMB) and External Advisory Board (EAB) as well as the leaders of project's work packages. The PMB and EAB members were introduced to the project activities, progress of implementation, and outcomes, which led to fruitful discussion about further steps that need to be taken to promote the achievement of project's results. 

  • Bridging Science and Business – event 'World Turns Deep Tech'

    On the evening of October 31, 2024, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and project Natalion hosted an experience-sharing event 'World Turns Deep Tech' at the Startup House Riga, aimed at exploring how researchers can translate their discoveries into viable business projects.

    Within the event, Dr. Stefano Donadio, an experienced research and innovation professional and founder of the biotechnology company NAICONS Srl as well as the ERA Chair of project Natalion, delivered an inspiring presentation. With over 10 years of experience, the company has carved out a niche in the market by discovering natural substances that serve as new antibiotics and other medicines, as well as ingredients for cosmetics and agriculture. Dr. Donadio shared his success stories with the audience, discussing how he managed to attract investments and how entrepreneurs, including large pharmaceutical companies, are looking to collaborate with scientists on projects aimed at converting their research into products that benefit society.

  • Workshop 'The Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Study in Microbial Natural Products'

    On October 30, 2024, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) hosted the workshop 'The Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Study in Microbial Natural Products', showcasing research by four leading scientists in bioactive compound discovery. The event highlighted the transformative role of bioinformatics, genomics, and evolutionary studies in advancing natural product research.

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan, Head of the Natural Products Research Group at LIOS, opened the event with an overview of his group’s pioneering work and introduced the four distinguished speakers.

    🌍 Prof. Tilmann Weber (Technical University of Denmark) presented a “Molecular Treasure Hunt” for bioactive compounds, showcasing how bioinformatics strategies can reveal new antibiotics hidden within microbial genomes.

    🔬 Prof. Marnix Medema (Wageningen University) discussed Computational Omics, showing how predictive modeling bridges bioinformatics with chemistry to accelerate medicine.

    💡Prof. Lena Barra (University of Konstanz) explored Discovery and Biosynthesis of Non-Canonical Natural Products, illustrating how unique compounds fuel innovation in drug development and synthetic biology.

    🔄 Dr. Aleks Nivina (University of Zurich) closed with her research on Gene Conversion and Natural Product Diversity, demonstrating how genetic evolution in soil bacteria drives bioactive diversity.

    LIOS is proud to be a hub for bioinformatics-driven natural product research.

  • Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participates in the 39th SNP and 24th SFRR-Taiwan joint symposium

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan recently participated as an invited speaker at the 39th Symposium on Natural Products (SNP) and 24th Society for Free Radical Research (SFRR) joint conference, held at the Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (October 4–6, 2024).

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan's presentation, titled "Discovery of Cyanobacterial Natural Products", highlighted the cutting-edge research in natural products discovery. In addition to discussing the research findings, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan also introduced the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and project Natalion.

    This platform has opened doors for promising future collaborations with researchers from Japan and Taiwan, which may strengthen innovation and advance our shared goals.

  • European Researchers' Night 2024

    We are thrilled to share that project Natalion was showcased in this year’s European Researchers' Night! The Natural Products Research group was represented by Anitra Zīle, who captivated the audience with an exciting presentation on the fascinating world of microorganisms and natural products. She revealed how microorganisms communicate and interact, offering new insights into their complex behaviors.

    Thank you to everyone who attended!

  • Project Natalion hosts the 3rd 'Snack of Science' event

    On September 19, 2024, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis hosted the ‘Snack of Science’ event, which brought together brilliant minds from both academia and industry.

    During a panel discussion, Girts Ozolins (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia), Maira Elksne (University of Glasgow), Gints Šmits (Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis), Dmitrijs Cernaks (Ardena), and Ģirts Smelters (Exponential Technologies) shared their experience stories of academia–
    industry collaboration.

    The discussion focused on crucial topics:
    🔑 Why collaborate? What can be gained from joint efforts?
    🔑 How does successful collaboration work?
    🔑 How can we foster these connections?
    🔑 What communication strategies are essential for building strong partnerships?

    Events like these fuel the innovative spirit driving project Natalion forward, where academia and industry join forces to excel in natural product research and push the boundaries of science and innovation. 

  • Dr. Anna Stikane participates in TechBBQ2024 event

    On September 11–12, 2024, Dr. Anna Stikane attended TechBBQ2024 in Copenhagen. The discussions around life sciences innovation and supporting ecosystems like CPHLabs and BioInnovation Institute were truly inspiring for fostering similar growth in Latvia and the Baltics.

  • Panel discussion on science commercialization

    Happy to share that Dr. Anna Stikane participated in a fruitful panel discussion on commercializing science during the summer school (August 9–11, 2024) for early-career researchers organized by the Latvian Association of Young Researchers.

  • Future Chemists Meet Their Future Employers

    Distinct, gifted individuals with sharp minds and innovative thoughts – this is who we met yesterday, August 1st, 2024, at the Riga Technical University Futurimo Center: aspiring chemists, high school students, and several university students from various faculties. The purpose of the event "I am a Chemist" was to bring together those at the beginning of their journey, who dream of becoming outstanding discoverers and researchers in the world of chemistry with companies that employ chemists of various specializations.

    Colleagues from the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) introduced young people to the opportunities available here. Institute’s young professionals (Dr. Anna Stikane, chemistry PhD candidates Anastasija Balašova, Georgijs Stakanovs, and chemistry student Anastasija Blaževiča) shared their personal experiences, academic and professional journeys.

    During the “I am a Chemist” event, LIOS colleagues shared information with aspiring chemists about the institute's most notable projects, including one of the most relevant — project "Natural Products Research at Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis as a Driver for Excellence in Innovation” (Natalion). 

  • Project Natalion research findings presented in the International Congress on Natural Products Research

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan recently attended one of the largest natural products conferences, International Congress on Natural Products Research, held in Kraków, Poland (July 13–17, 2024). This prestigious event was co-organized by the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE), Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Products Research (GA), the Association Francophone pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie (AFERP), the Italian Society of Phytochemistry and Sciences of Medicinal, Food and Perfume Plants (SIF), the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), the Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy (JSP), and the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (KSP).

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participated in the conference with poster presentation "Cyanobacterial Natural Products: Bioactive Cyclic and Linear Peptides" showcasing the research findings within project Natalion. This conference provided a platform to engage with fellow researchers, exchange ideas, and explore the latest advancements in the field of natural products.

    For more information about the conference, visit:

  • Project Natalion represented at the Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2024

    We're thrilled to share that Dr. Anna Stikane represented project Natalion at the Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2024 in Riga, Latvia on July 7–10. This esteemed biennial organic chemistry conference, which rotates through Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius, serves as a pivotal platform for showcasing advancements and fostering global collaborations in synthetic organic chemistry.

    Anna presented the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) and highlighted project Natalion to a diverse audience of academia and industry professionals. This was a valuable opportunity to establish new contacts and potential collaborations that will propel LIOS research and innovation forward.

  • Participation of Dr. Chin-Soon Phan in PhD thesis defence as external examiner

    On June 18, 2024, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan served as the external examiner for Giang Nam Pham who successfully defended his PhD thesis with impressive discoveries in the marine fungal natural products. During his visit at the Université Côte d'Azur, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan had discussion about Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and project Natalion with the PhD candidate's supervisors Prof. Mohamed Mehiri and Prof. Laurent Boyer and Jury Members Prof. Valeria Costantino and Prof. Giovanna Cristina Varese.

  • Internal workshop on pitching organized by project Natalion

    On June 11, 2024, a pitching workshop at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis was led by Andrii Shekhirev, the founder of non-governmental organization Biocatalyst Foundation. This event was a great opportunity for all participants to enhance their pitching skills and learn valuable insights. The participants of the internal workshop learned:

    🔹 Pitching Fundamentals: What, why, when, and how to pitch effectively.

    🔹 Tailoring Your Pitch: Strategies to adapt your pitch to different audiences.

    🔹 Tips and Tricks: Real-life demonstrations from start-ups.

    🔹 Practical Tips: Essential advice for preparing and delivering a compelling pitch.

  • Dr. Elina Priede represents project Natalion in a roundtable discussion on innovation promotion

    On June 6, 2024, Dr. Elina Priede participated in a roundtable discussion on innovation promotion with Jan Sandred, Program Director at the Department of Innovation Management and Horizon Europe Program Committee Expert, Vinnova. The discussion was organized by the Embassy of Sweden in Latvia in cooperation with the Latvian Council of Science and served as a fruitful space for sharing the experience of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and project Natalion in promotion of innovation.

  • Dr. Anna Stikane participates in ASTP Annual Conference

    Dr. Anna Stikane attended the ASTP Annual Conference (Sevilla, Spain, May 22–24, 2024), which served as a valuable networking platform to exchange knowledge with other technology transfer specialists on many different aspects and details of technology transfer ranging from contracts, deal terms, and partners for innovation to commercialization.

  • Dr. Anna Stikane attends Deep Tech Atelier 2024

    Dr. Anna Stikane participated in Deep Tech Atelier 2024 (Riga, Latvia, May 16–17, 2024) – conference, which gathers researchers, innovators, technology transfer specialists, policy makers, and investors. This was a great opportunity for Anna to communicate with representatives from all of these areas and share the experience of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and project Natalion in promotion of innovation.

  • Dr. Anna Stikane participates in organization of Riga BioHack event

    Dr. Anna Stikane participated in Riga BioHack event (Riga, Latvia, May 15, 2024), which was organized by the Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence and Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and was focused on biomedicine. This was an event bringing together researchers, entrepreneurs, and mentors to explore commercial applications of 8 biomedical research ideas. 

  • Prof. Aigars Jirgensons participates in round table discussion 'How to close the European Union's research and innovation gap among Member States?'

    On May 9, 2024, Prof. Aigars Jirgensons participated in round table discussion 'How to close the European Union's research and innovation gap among EU Member States?' organized by the Ministry of Education and Science. During the debate, Latvia's position in the creation of the new European Union Framework Programme was discussed. The discussion was attended by Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša, Executive Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis, representatives of universities and research centers, as well as companies supporting science.

  • Dr. Chin-Soon Phan visits Chang Gung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan, the leader of the Natural Products Research group at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), had the honor of being invited as a visiting lecturer at the Chang Gung University of Science and Technology in Taoyuan, Taiwan (May 5–17, 2024). It was a fantastic opportunity for Dr. Chin-Soon Phan to deliver a lecture to the talented master's students and engage with the academic community. During the visit, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan promoted the visibility of project Natalion and LIOS. The aim was to initiate fruitful collaborations and attract talented Taiwanese postgraduate students and postdoc candidates to join the research community at LIOS.

  • Exploring Antibacterial Frontiers: Project Natalion Featured at the 'Achievements of SPRINGBOARD Project' Conference

    The recent conference 'Achievements of SPRINGBOARD Project', held in Riga, Latvia on May 2–3, 2024, allowed for the sharing of achievements in antimicrobial drug development. One of the highlights was the insightful presentation 'Microbial Natural Products and Their Antibacterial Activities' by Dr. Chin-Soon Phan. His expertise in natural products research shed light on new avenues in antibacterial research.

  • Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participates in the 9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum

    Dr. Chin-Soon Phan, leader of the Natural Products Research group, recently took part in the 9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (APPF) held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan (April 14–18, 2024). As an invited speaker, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan presented on 'Microbial Natural Products', shedding light on the impactful research conducted at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. The conference served as a remarkable platform for knowledge exchange and networking, leading to several potential future collaborations with researchers from Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore.

  • Project Natalion represented in Job Shadow Day 2024

    As part of the Job Shadow Day initiative, on April 4, 2024, Vic Kiselov introduced two motivated and talented students to the natural products research at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS). The students had an opportunity to find out more about the newly established Natural Products Research group and project Natalion as well as get an insight into researcher’s working day at LIOS.

  • Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participates in Webinar on Marine Natural Products

    On March 11, 2024, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participated in a webinar organized by the Asian Society of Natural Products with presentation 'Natural Products Chemistry – from Marine to Microbes'. This webinar gathered approximately 100 researchers working in the field of natural products.

  • Project Natalion continues the 'Snack of Science' series of events

    It was a pleasure to welcome technology transfer specialists Danielle Counotte, Yannick CAMPION, and Petra Kurzawski at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) during the second 'Snack of Science' event (March 19, 2024). The participants of the meeting discussed how the technology transfer processes are organized at different institutions and about the team effort that goes in supporting academic inventions together with researchers. The discussion was followed by a tour showing the chemistry, kilo-scale synthesis, biotechnology, and pharmacology facilities used for drug discovery and development at LIOS.

  • Project Natalion at the 'Career Day 2024' exhibition in Riga

    On March 8, project Natalion was showcased at the 'Career Day 2024' inspiring students to pursue careers in science and at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. The exhibition 'Career Day' serves as a platform for top companies to inform students about internships and job opportunities in engineering, natural, and social sciences.

  • Exploring nature's treasures at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

    On February 9, 2024, researchers at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis had an opportunity to participate in a webinar led by Dr. Chin-Soon Phan and find out more about the natural products chemistry as well as the activities of the newly established Natural Products Research group.

  • Project Natalion launches 'Snack of Science' event at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

    On February 1, 2024, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) hosted Dr. Roberts Rimsa, CTO and co-founder of Cellbox Labs, at the first 'Snack of Science' event. As a delightful blend of science and networking, 'Snack of Science' aims to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration within the scientific community.

    Cellbox Labs is a start up combining research expertise of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia and Latvian Biomedical Research and Study centre. Cellbox Labs develops organ on a chip technology integrating human cells within microfluidics channels to mimic organ structures. Such organs on chips are already being used globally in pharmacology and medicine, for example, to test drug efficiency in pre-clinical research and development.

    Roberts shared his experience in commercializing his research and founding a start up and provided tips and tricks on how to survive before acquiring venture capital (VC) funding, how to combine various grants to increase the technology readiness level, and how to establish relationship with various pharma companies and VCs.

  • Dr. Anna Stikane participates in ASTP training course 'Marketing and Business Development in Knowledge Transfer'

    On January 24–26, 2024, Dr. Anna Stikane attended the ASTP training course "Marketing and Business Development in Knowledge Transfer" in Sitges, Spain. This was a well-designed course, in which many case studies were used to practice formulating strategy, value proposition, productive conversations, and cultivating strong relationships and cooperation. Equally valuable were the experience and knowledge exchange with other technology transfer professionals from across Europe. Anna is looking forward to applying what she has learned in her role at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) Innovation Hub and contributing to the advancement of LIOS technology development.

  • Dr. Chin-Soon Phan visits NAICONS

    On January 10–12, 2024, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan visited NAICONS Srl (Milan, Italy), a biotechnology company with well-established experience in natural products research, to meet Dr. Stefano Donadio, the project Natalion ERA Chair holder, and his group. During the visit, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan participated in insightful discussion with Dr. Stefano Donadio covering the research directions of the Natural Products Research group at Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) and possible ways, in which NAICONS can support the natural products research at LIOS.

  • Roundtable discussion 'Business & Science'

    On December 14, Dr. Chin-Soon Phan, the Head of Natural Products Research group, participated in discussion 'Business & Science', which gathered the research group leaders from LIOS and members of the Association of the Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry. Dr. Chin-Soon Phan presented the main research directions of his group, emphasized the importance of natural products research at institutional, national, and EU level, and indicated the possible opportunities for collaboration between academia and industry.

  • Project Natalion at the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

    Within the framework of the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (November 28–29, 2023, Riga), project NATALION welcomed Sigvards Krongorns with presentation 'Investor Readiness 101: First Steps in Commercialization'. During the presentation, Sigvards Krongorns provided an insight into technology commercialization and shared his experience in the field of health innovations and establishment of start-ups.

    Sigvards Krongorns is a partner in the Verge HealthTech Fund and one of the founders of company 'CastPrint'. 'CastPrint' offers treatment for various types of bone fractures using individually adapted 3D printed retainers.

  • The iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree

    Dr. Anna Stikāne, the Head of LIOS Innovation Hub, took the exciting opportunity to participate in the iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree – the World Expo of Synthetic Biology (November 2–5, 2023). During the exhibition, Dr. Anna Stikāne participated in the iGEM Startups programme supporting iGEM Latvia–Riga team – the winner of the iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree Gold Medal for Best Genetic Part. Bringing together researchers, industry representatives, startup founders, investors, journalists, experts in governance and policy, and general public, the Grand Jamboree was also a great networking event, which allowed Dr. Anna Stikāne to build new connections for future collaborations within project NATALION.

  • Project Natalion presented at the 31st International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and the 11th International Congress on Biodiversity

    During the workshop 'Accelerating natural product discovery by academic and industrial collaborative initiatives' organized by the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for chemical biology and early drug discovery EU-OPENSCREEN in the frame of the 31st International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and the 11th International Congress on Biodiversity (October 15–19, 2023, Naples), Prof. Aigars Jirgensons shared the experience of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis in participating in European collaborative initiatives. These initiatives aim to expand the availability of high-quality, annotated natural product-based libraries for drug discovery projects.

  • Dr. Anna Stikāne participates in the first Latvian innovation ecosystem summit Innovate360°

    On September 29, 2023, Dr. Anna Stikāne participated in the first Latvian innovation ecosystem summit Innovate360° organized by Riga Technical University (RTU) Science and Innovation Centre. The event gathered esteemed experts from leading innovation countries, such as Adi Yoffe and Irit Idan from Israel, who shared their experience of what makes Israel famous as the country of successful startups. Other speakers shared their knowledge of open innovation gathering diverse range of stakeholders (Kristaps Banga, Accenture Baltics) and the structural challenges specific for Latvia (Robert Grundke, OECD). Within the event, panel discussions highlighting the role of education for developing innovation mindset from schools to universities were also organized.

    Innovate360° was a valuable opportunity for Dr. Anna Stikāne to connect with other attendees – technology transfer professionals from RTU, consulting professionals interested in connecting with chemistry and pharmacology experts, specialists from open-source research software development, as well as other members developing biotechnology sub-ecosystem within the larger innovation ecosystem of Latvia.

  • Prof. Karl-Heinz Altmann visiting LIOS

    On May 25, 2023, Prof. Karl-Heinz Altmann (ETH Zurich), a member of the External Advisory Board of project Natalion, gave an insightful lecture 'Total Synthesis and Functional Exploration of Macrocyclic Natural Products' at LIOS.

  • Project Natalion Kick-off Meeting
